RAVEN KING is an epic fantasy story with lots of ravens, culture clash and an unusual love story.

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“The college student Yoni Arao gets abducted by ravens on his way to a workshop. As he comes around he can’t believe his eyes. Before him is standing a mythical creature beyond words: Garvan, the Raven King.
What is he planning to do with Yoni? And what’s with Yoni’s family and friends who are desperately looking for him back home? Will they ever see him again…”

RAVEN KING is a full colored print & webcomic.

Volume one ‘RAVEN KING – An unexpected Audience 1’ is available as a printed version in German. Future print editions (English or German) will be funded through crowdfunding / pre-orders. Also I’m planning on opening a Patreon account and offer more comic pages per week, extras, making of etc. Subscribe to the RAVEN KING newsletter in case you don’t want to miss anything important. Of course you can also join me on one of my social network sites 🙂

May the ravens be with you, my friend!



RAVEN KING Vol.1 = 2nd place winner for best self-published comic in Germany 2016

The RAVEN KING Newsletter is here!

Every now and then I send out a newsletter with important updates and infos on RAVEN KING. Things like release dates, new platforms or major decisions I’ve made concerning the comic. By subscribing to the newsletter you make sure not to miss anything important, because it got lost in social media timelines. So if you are interested please enter your email-adress, hit the subscribe-button and you’re good to go 🙂

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